Prior Authorization: The in & outs that make Healthcare more Secure

Prior Authorization

Prior authorization is a process that healthcare providers use to ensure that certain medical procedures, treatments, medications, and services are covered by insurance companies. This process is designed to make healthcare more secure and ensure that patients receive appropriate care. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of prior authorization and how it works.

What is Prior Authorization?

Prior authorization is a process in which healthcare providers obtain approval from insurance companies or other payers before providing medical coding services or treatments to patients. This process is designed to ensure that the services or treatments being provided are medically necessary and appropriate, and that they are covered by the patient’s insurance plan.

When is Prior Authorization Required?

Prior authorization is typically required for medical procedures, treatments, medications, and services that are considered to be elective or non-emergency. These may include: 

  • Certain diagnostic tests, such as MRIs or CT scans
  • Certain medications, especially expensive or new drugs
  • Medical procedures that are considered to be experimental or investigational
  • Some durable medical equipment, such as wheelchairs or prosthetic devices
  • Out-of-network services or referrals to specialists

The exact requirements for prior authorization services may vary depending on the patient’s insurance plan and the type of medical service or treatment being requested.

How Does Prior Authorization Work?

The process of obtaining prior authorization typically begins with the healthcare provider submitting a request to the patient’s insurance company or other payer. This request will include information about the patient’s medical condition, the proposed treatment or service, and any other relevant information.

The insurance company or payer will then review the request and determine whether the requested service or treatment is medically necessary and appropriate. They will also check to see if the service or treatment is covered by the patient’s insurance plan. If the request is approved, the provider can proceed with the service or treatment.

If the request is denied, the provider may be able to appeal the decision or request a peer-to-peer review. This is a process in which the provider can speak directly with a medical reviewer from the insurance company or payer to discuss the patient’s case and provide additional information.

Benefits of Prior Authorization

There are several benefits to using prior authorization in healthcare. These include:

Ensuring that patients receive appropriate care: Prior authorization helps ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time. By requiring healthcare providers to obtain approval before providing certain medical services or treatments, insurance companies can help prevent unnecessary or inappropriate care.

Controlling healthcare costs: Prior authorization can help control healthcare costs by preventing unnecessary or inappropriate treatments and services. Insurance companies can use prior authorization to ensure that patients are not receiving services that are not medically necessary or appropriate.

Improving patient outcomes: By ensuring that patients receive appropriate care, prior authorization can help improve patient outcomes. Patients are more likely to receive the right treatment for their medical condition, which can lead to better health outcomes.


Prior authorization is an important process in healthcare that helps ensure that patients receive appropriate care and that healthcare costs are controlled. While it can sometimes be a time-consuming and frustrating process for healthcare providers, it is an important tool for insurance companies to use in order to ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time.

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